Sunday, November 30, 2008

Video Presention on Carpooling

After viewing my video presentation that I presented to my sixth grade class, I wasn't surprised to see some of my funky habits I do when I present. Even though I am constantly thinking to myself to not do these funky habits, I still do them. During the presentation is was evident that I really like to speak with my hands.

After being a sixth grade intern for a semester my students have not picked up on some of my habits. I tend to use my hands to express anything and everything that I'm talking about. It's pretty funny after I watched the video. Another terrible habit that I have is repeating myself if I lose my train of thought. I did this several times during the presentation. I tried to include my students during the presentation so I asked a few of them questions that pertained to what we have been doing in class. I did have some major technological issues because the power point was saved in Microsoft 2008 and I had to convert it to Microsoft 2003. My students were very patient as I had to restart the program and presentation several times. The most important part is that my students loved the project. When I asked them if they have any questions or concerns, I had several responses saying I did a great job. I think anytime that you can tie in real world experiences with pictures, students will love it and even relate to the topic. It brought several questions on how we as a class can help save on energy conservation.

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