Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Anthro-Tech Assessment

Going undercover and being detective at Houston Middle School wasn't very easy for me since I blew my cover the first week. I had the opportunity to cover a class one day (sub didn't show up) and the lesson was presented using a Promethium board. Needless to say I was a digital immigrant. I knew absolutely nothing on how to work the board. There was even one point during the day when I tried to use a regular pencil on the Promethium screen. The good news is that I walked out of class knowing more about the technology that HMS offers, which helped me in my research for this project. This experience opened my eyes and enlightened me to the technology advances that has been made since I have been out of school. Promethium boards are fairly new to HMS and teachers are still having some training to this day on what they offer the classroom.

Since I have had a month of practice since my flop expericence, I feel now that I have had adequate training on the Promethium board and am becoming a digital native. The students enjoy the tools that the board offers and absolutely love the opportunity to come up to the board to solve math problems. I'm excited to learn more about the Promethium board and the other capabilities is has to offer!

Full Report on Houston Middle School's Technology
Houston Middle School's Handbook

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